Recommendations of what to see in the Parisian art world this month by our local guide, Judith Souriau. Explore more in a private art tour.
Exhibition: Sophie Calle & Serena Catone
Artist: Sophie Calle
Venue: Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
Dates: Until February 11th, 2018
Only one month left to visit Sophie Calle’s version of the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature ! The small museum was already one of the most charming & mysterious places in Paris before the conceptual artist took it over : a 17th century hotel particulier filled with stuffed animals, aged wood furniture and other collectibles that all relate to the art of hunting… Calle drags and drops her own works in the museum permanent collection to embellish the fairy tale (and insert humor). She also invited her friend Serena Catone’s bestiary. If you do not know the museum yet, it is an unmissable occasion to wander in its rooms!
Image courtesy of Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
Exhibition: Dada Africa : Non-Western Sources and Influences
Artist: Various Artists
Venue: Musée de l’Orangerie
Dates: Until February 19th, 2018
The Rietberg Museum (Zürich), the Berlinishe Galerie (Berlin) and the Musée d’Orsay (Paris) raised a burning question in the 20th century art history : why and how did Dada, a prolific and subversive art movement that first emerged in Zurich during World War I, get to know African and Asian art and decided to integrate them in their own art forms ? What’s the story behind the appropriation ? The exhibition is brilliantly documented, and it also features installations by the young Nigerian born Otobong Nkanga as a contemporary counterpoint.
Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943), Motifs abstraits (masques), 1917
Stiftung Arp e.V., Rolandswerth/Berlin
© Stiftung Arp e.V., Berlin / Rolandswerth. Wolfgang Morell
Exhibition: Louise Bourgeois : Editions
Artist: Louise Bourgeois
Venue: Galerie Karsten Greve
Dates: January 9th, 2018 until February 24th, 2018
The Galerie Karsten Greve is about to open an exhibition of Louise Bourgeois works on paper, engravings and illustrated books from the 80’s to 2009. As few copies remain available (although the artist was quite prolific then), prints and drawing are usually seen by 2 or 3 on art fairs or auctions. It is quite exciting that the gallery (who held Bourgeois first solo exhibition in Paris in Paris) gathers an ensemble of 50 pieces, of varied techniques and supports.
Image courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve Paris